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Innovation and training in technology are the foundations on which we have built our operational excellence: we use the most advanced technologies to design, engineer and implement solutions that not only meet today’s needs, but also set the standards of the future, ensuring speed and precision in every area of our work.

Innovation at the service of the project

3D Laser Scanning

OPA Solution has specialised in 3D Laser Scanning technology that enables a georeferenced and geometrically correct point clouds of the surveyed object. The high quantity and quality of the data acquired in a short period of time provides a very high-resolution survey rich in additional information.

The accuracy of the 3D Laser Scanning and photographs makes the survey complete and real. There is the possibility to extract the data necessary to obtain the exact morphology of the meaningful parts of the artefact/object and then visualise them three-dimensionally.

The purpose of the survey with 3D Laser Scanning technology is to create a three-dimensional digital model as close as possible to the scanned object, in order to carry out design and/or restoration and conservation studies.

3D Laser Scanner has a wide range of applications across various fields:

– Architecture, civil engineering, protection of cultural heritage and Building Information Modeling (BIM)

– Interior design

– Topography, geology and monitoring tools

– Engineering, infrastructure, industrial sector

– Shipbuilding

The point cloud inspection, properly calibrated and parameterised, allows visualising the information that is not easily visible to naked eyes or with traditional tools. It also highlights particularly critical elements and it is possible to proceed with a direct reading of the building, its construction elements and materials of which it is made up, the working techniques, as well as the phenomena of degradation and instability. In addition, it is possible to add the point cloud obtained with the 3D laser scanning technology to the 3D CAD and Building Information Modeling (BIM) systems, in order to achieve a high-quality result with less time and money spent.

Photogrammetry for Agriculture 4.0

Photogrammetry plays an important role in Agriculture 4.0, where digital technology improves the efficiency, sustainability and productivity of agriculture.

Photogrammetry provides accurate data, detailed maps and crop information that enable farmers to make more informed decisions, make best use of resources and improve production efficiency and contributes to sustainable management of farming activities.

1. Crop monitoring:

It is possible to get high-resolution aerial imaging of agricultural crops with photogrammetry. These images can be used to create detailed crop maps, provide information on plant health, vegetation distribution and any problems such as diseases or nutrient deficiencies. The regular crop monitoring enables farmers to make timely decisions about irrigation, fertilisation and pest management, improves efficiency and reduces the use of inputs such as water and chemicals.

2. Land planning and management: Photogrammetry can be used to create accurate soil mapping and agricultural environment. These maps provide information on topography, soil structure, crop distribution and other environmental factors that may influence crop management. As a result, farmers can plan and make best use of resources, for example, they can identify the most suitable areas for the cultivation of certain types of crops or identify the erosion-risk areas.

3. Precision farming:

Photogrammetry is important to implement the precision farming (precision agriculture). The farmers can divide the fields into smaller units called management zones and apply specific farming practices, thanks to aerial imagery and digital terrain models. This ensures to use the amount of agricultural inputs, such as fertilisers and pesticides, according to the specific needs of each zone. Moreover, the use of drones or aircrafts to capture aerial imagery and collect data, quickly and on a large scale.

4. Irrigation Optimisation:

Photogrammetry can contribute to irrigation optimisation. It is possible to determine the water status of crops and estimate the amount of water needed by using aerial imaging and image analysis. This helps to reduce water wastage, improve irrigation efficiency and contribute to water sustainability.

5. Weeds and pest control:

Photogrammetry can be used to identify and monitor weeds and pest infestations in crops. Through image processing, infested areas can be detected and mapped, while farmers can take timely measures or intervene to prevent crop damage.

Photogrammetry for the artistic and architectural heritage

Photogrammetry plays on the overall an essential role in the protection and enhancement of the artistic and architectural heritage and provides advanced tools for the documentation, conservation and dissemination of these cultural treasures for present and future generations.

Photogrammetry plays a very important role in the protection of the artistic and architectural heritage for several reasons:

1. Accurate documentation:

Photogrammetry enables to obtain detailed and accurate documentation of objects, monuments and artistic and architectural buildings. Through image processing, it is possible to create three-dimensional models and orthophotos that faithfully represent the structure and features of the detected object.

2. Virtual Conservation:

Photogrammetry can be used to create high-quality digital models of aworksrt, sculptures, historic buildings and archaeological sites. These models allow us to virtually preserve the digital heritage accurately and in detail, reduce the need to handle directly the physical objects, which may be subject to deterioration or damage.

3. Change Monitoring:

Photogrammetry can be used to monitor the state of preservation of an object or monument over time. Any changes, damage or deterioration can be detected by taking regularly photographs and comparing the captured digital modelling. This will allow carrying out timely maintenance and conservation activities.

4. Reconstruction and restoration:

In case of damage or destruction, photogrammetry can be used to support reconstruction and restoration activities. Thanks to the acquisition of pre- and post-event images, three-dimensional models can be created to help understand the original appearance of the object or building and drive the restoration process.

5. Accessibility and dissemination: Photogrammetry enables to create digital reproductions of artworks and monuments that can be easily accessible and shared worldwide via digital platforms. It promotes the diffusion of culture and artistic heritage and allows a wider audience to explore and appreciate these treasures.


Drones, or UAVs, offer a full range of options to carry out surveys and monitoring in various sectors. Advanced flight features and integrated technologies allow detailed data to be captured quickly and efficiently, which can be applied in different sectors. The evolution of drone technology continues to evolve opening applications across various sectors.

Drones – below you will find some of the main surveys and monitoring that OPA can carry out with drones:

Aerial Photography and Videography:

Land Exploration:

Monitoring and acquisition of aerial images to explore and survey a specific territory.

Promotional Video and Image Production: The use of drones to capture promotional images and videos in industries such as real estate, tourism and the film industry.


Crop Monitoring: crop health assessment by multispectral and thermal imagery to detect diseases, water stress or nutrient deficiencies.

Parcel Mapping: Creation of high-resolution maps of agricultural parcels to optimise the resource management.

Building and Construction:

Construction Site Monitoring: Inspection and monitoring of the construction activities to ensure compliance and safety.

3D mapping: Creation of construction site 3D models for detailed planning and visualization.

Topography and Land surveying:

Topographic Mapping: Acquisition of detailed land data for topographic and cartographic purposes.

Land Modeling: Creation of digital terrain models for infrastructure design.

Electrical Infrastructure and Transmission Lines:

Power Line Inspection:

Monitoring of transmission lines to identify any possible damages or problems. Thermography: Use of thermal sensors to identify anomalies in electrical infrastructure.

Thermal and multispectral drones

Thermal and multispectral drones is an essential tool for precision agriculture. This methodology is based on the use of advanced technologies, such as drones, in order to optimise crop and farmland management. The use of drones in precision farming offers many benefits, including increased crop yields, reduced operating costs, improved resource management and reduced environmental impact. Thermal and multispectral drones provide detailed information that enables farmers to make informed decisions and adopt more sustainable and efficient practices.

Thermal and multispectral drone – this is how thermal and multispectral drones are used in precision agriculture:

Thermal Drones:

Water stress monitoring: the thermal drones can identify areas of water stress in crops by detecting variations in plant temperature. This helps farmers to target irrigation, avoid wasting water and allow the plants to receive the necessary amount of water.

Plant disease and pest detection: the plants infected or attacked by pests often show temperature changes compared to healthy plants. Thermal drones can detect these differences and allow farmers to quickly identify crop health issues and take preventative measures.

Crop mapping: drones can capture thermal imaging and provide detailed maps of crop temperatures. These maps can be used to identify any changes in plant health and to make informed decisions about field management.

Multispectral drones: Crop-state mapping: Multispectral drones capture images at different wavelengths, which allow a detailed assessment of plant health. Any change in the spectral reflectance of plants can reveal nutrient deficiencies, disease, heat stress and other issues.

Vegetation Index Mapping: Vegetation indices, such as the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) can be calculated using multispectral data. These indices show plant health and growth and help farmers monitor and manage crops.

Application of targeted treatments: Multispectral maps can guide the precise application of fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemicals. This precision reduces waste and minimizes environmental impact.

Crop rotation: multispectral data can help farmers make informed decisions about crop rotation, optimize land use and improve soil fertility.

BIM Design

OPA uses Building Information Modeling (acronym: BIM) a method for optimising planning, construction and management of buildings with the help of a 3D software, which allows you to collect, combine and digitally connect all the relevant data of a building. Virtual construction is viewable as a three-dimensional geometric model.

Building Information Modelling is used in the construction industry for planning, constructing and carrying out the maintenance (architecture, engineering, technical installations, furniture) as well as in facility management.

Business Plan about Utility Scale Plants

Investment analysis with different configurations of sale/valuation of the energy produced.

Quality analysis of power grids

Interface protection adjustments

Diagnostic tools for photovoltaic systems

OPA United

A single group, where design, engineering and construction match with integrated expertise for tailor-made solutions.


Opa United can offer leading edge technologies for any kind of intervention.

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